Flair can render either single images or image sequences.

Rendering is done through ImgOutput nodes via their right-click context menu.

The options on the context menu can either show or save the rendered results.

Right-click context menu of an ImgOutput node

Right-click context menu of an ImgOutput node

<aside> ☝ As flair currently doesn't have a timeline or the ability to read image sequences, rendering sequences can only be performed in combination with Autodesk Maya.


Render Settings

The rendering settings are defined through the *Settings* panel (Menu Bar→View→Settings).

The Settings panel shows two groups that are of importance when rendering.

Please refer to the individual section below for the details of the properties.


Define image-related settings (Menu Bar→View→Settings)

Define image-related settings (Menu Bar→View→Settings)

  1. Set resolution - Enables/disables a custom rendering resolution. When Flair is connected to a host application (e.g., Maya), the resolution is automatically set by the images imported from that application. Setting the resolution within Flair will override this behavior and guarantee a common working resolution.
  2. Quality - Defines the quality of the image.
  3. Formats - Configures the image file format.
    1. .exr - OpenEXR images with either zip compression or none.
    2. .png - PNG images with int8 data.
    3. .jpg - JPG images with different compression: 10%-100%
