
Flair alpha

  1. Download the file
  2. Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file anywhere you want e.g., documents, desktop
  3. Launch Flair - Alpha.bat

Flair for Maya

  1. Download the Flair for file
  2. Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file anywhere you want e.g., documents, desktop
  3. Drag and drop the install.mel file from the extracted content into one of the Maya viewports. The install.mel will then run in the background and automatically add the Flair paths in your Maya.env file.
  4. If successful, a prompt will appear in Maya, asking you to restart the application, please do so to show all changes.
  5. Once you open Maya again, the Flair shelf will appear alongside the other shelves.
  6. To test if everything is working correctly, switch to the Flair shelf and click on the test button.

<aside> 💡 If you get a firewall prompt, please allow the connection so that Flair and Maya can communicate with each other.

