Inputs and outputs is the code before GLSL that defines what inputs and outputs are made for the shader, these can be the following


<aside> 💡 The use of the word 'uniform' is optional




Inputs (samplers and non-sampler uniforms) can have metadata attached to it, in the form of JSON key-value pairs enclosed in braces at the end of a declaration, before the semicolon.

There are different kinds of metadata for input types, summarized below:

Sampler states

uniform sampler2Dinputs can have sampler state information attached to it, in the form of JSON key-value pairs:

uniform sampler2D colorInput {
	"addressU": "CLAMP",
	"addressV": "CLAMP",
	"addressW": "CLAMP",
	"minFilter": "LINEAR",
	"magFilter": "LINEAR"

The following keys are recognized: