Flair can dynamically create different PaintFX and NoiseFX controls for your stylization within a 3D host application i.e., Maya.

These controls are set in the Effect Controls panel (View→Effects Controls). Whenever the Plus button on the Effect Controls panel is clicked, a definition group will appear, which allows you to define one control.

The effect definition is composed of two sections, the left sections contains the control properties, whereas the right section defines the naming of the control options. The tooltip shown when hovering over elements explain their use, which is also detailed below.

PaintFX user interface in Maya

PaintFX user interface in Maya

NoiseFX user interface in Maya

NoiseFX user interface in Maya

Effect definition in the Effect Controls panel

Effect definition in the Effect Controls panel

  1. The name of the effect, written vertically on the left side of the PaintFX and NoiseFX widgets.
  2. The control description, which appears on top of the effect
  3. Which control target/image to write onto. Flair currently supports only 4 control targets.
  4. Which channel to use in the control target. Most control targets support the modification of more than one channel within the same control.
  5. This allows the modification of only positive values. Controls can be positive and negative.
  6. The options to Increase and Decrease the control value in the PaintFX widget e.g., density effect **could be accumulated or diluted
  7. The name of the NoiseFX option e.g., density effect noise can be called turbulence.

Changing any of these elements will automatically reflect in the PaintFX and NoiseFX user interface.

Customizing the icons in PaintFX and NoiseFX

To customize the icons that appear on the PaintFX and NoiseFX tool in Maya, you need to place icons with the exact same name (1) as in the control definition in the Fair for Maya folder, under icons/nFx or icons/pFx.